balance &
anti-vibration tables



unique design

Vibrations aren't welcome. Our anti-vibration and balance tables help to keep your equipment, samples, and worksurface steady, ensuring result accuracy and reducing testing errors.

Choosing the right anti-vibration option.

Many labs utilize large, heavy equipment during the course of their work, which may result in flooring and wall vibrations. While this may not impact the work done in some labs, those that use highly calibrated and sensitive equipment undoubtedly can be derailed by excessive imbalance/vibration. 

Reducing Disruptive Friction.

Vibrations can not only be disruptive, but furthermore potentially dangerous, causing inaccurate results, sloppy analysis, and can even damage expensive equipment. Anti-vibration and balance tables absorb the shock created by atmospheric/environmental vibrations, creating a stable surface on which to perform sensitive tasks. Whether

Providing Stability.

You just fired up some heavy-duty equipment, or your facility has particularly shaky floors, having a balance or anti-vibration table on hand will ensure you always have a steady work surface. 


what's the difference?

When it comes to balance tables and anti-vibration tables, the terms are used interchangeably since they both perform the same duties. However, there are some key differences. Check out our comparison diagram below to learn more.

Marble Balance Table

Balance Tables

These type of lab tables are made from either solid chemical epoxy resin or marble: Marble Balance Tables: The most stable table for precision laboratory instruments. The worksurface and legs are 3" thick and reinforced with steel support pipes. 
Solid Epoxy Resin Balance Table: Provide highly superior stability for motion-sensitive equipment. They come at a standard height of 31" tall with a nominal work surface of 35" x 24". Balance tables, though limited in sizing, are extremely heavy and should be moved with caution and not by oneself. 

Custom Anti-Vibration Table

Anti-Vibration Tables

Anti-vibration tables, unlike balance tables, are made from tube steel/metal and come with anti-vibration levelers. With this option, you have more flexibility in dimensions, configurations, worksurface, etc. Anti-vibration tables are heavy duty, durable, high-quality, and with the anti-leveler foot option, come with an additional load capacity of 3,000 lbs.  Made in the USA in your production warehouse, anti-vibration tables, by OnePointe Solutions, are designed and tailored to fit the needs of your lab facility with ease and confidence. Every time.

Applications of Balance & Anti-Vibration Tables

Microbalance Measuring

Anti-vibration tables are used when measuring the microbalances of samples with relatively small mass.

Missing Piece

Anti-vibration tables can be made to fit in as a mobile alternative to an exist run of fixed lab casework.

Extend Equipment Use

The use of anti-vibration tables can extend the life of your equipment by reducing environmental wear and tear

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Sensitive Equipment Storage

Anti-vibration tables can also be used to store other sensitive equipment like mass spectrometers and microscopes.

anti-vibration table COUNTERTOPS

Chemicals, moisture, heat, and impact can all vary greatly from project to project. From stainless steel to phenolic resin and epoxy resin, we offer chemical and odor-resistant finishes that endure spills and stave off corrosion. Every lab is different. If you have a surface in mind or need assistance picking an optimal surface, we can help.

Note: These options are only for anti-vibration tables and NOT balance tables which are made entirely from chemical epoxy resin or marble.

Epoxy Resin

Epoxy resin is the ideal solution for environments that have high possibilities of corrosion or moisture.

phenolic resin

Phenolic resin meets the requirements of most laboratories with the added benefit of being chemical-, wear-, and water-resistant.

stainless steel

As a nonporous surface, nothing can penetrate into this material. Bacteria, mold, and other common germs don’t stand a chance.


ESD Laminate is specifically designed to prevent the discharge of built-up static electricity that can damage sensitive equipment.


In the material handling business, there’s no better than maple block. Maple works hard in factories, in kitchens, and on shipping and receiving docks around the world.


High-density polyethylene is lightweight, non-absorbent, and stain-free surface. HDPE is best used for food preparation.


Solicor-CR is a lab-grade surface material well suited for environments, where chemical resistance, durability and aesthetics are top priorities.

solid surface

Wilsonart® Solid Surface countertops are great for use in many settings: office, retail, industrial, healthcare, or education and in certain laboratory settings. It is nonporous, seamless, and elegant.


At OnePointe Solutions, our specialty is creating custom solutions for our clients. Our laboratory tables and benches, islands, and other lab furniture is fully customizable, and can be tailor-made to suit the specific needs of your facility. Browse through to see some of our past projects. No project is too big or small for us to handle. For more pictures of our capabilities and other lab tables, head over to our client gallery

Need a Balance of Anti-Vibration table?


We take pride in following industry standards of quality and sustainability. All of our products are tested, certified and sourced in a manner consistent with latest guidelines.

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