Why Is Chemical Storage Important
09.01.2022 | Sydney Cross

Why Is Chemical Storage Important?

In science, there are few things more important than safety. In addition to lab coats, gloves, masks, and goggles, scientists must also consider the importance of proper chemical storage. Even the most mundane chemicals and materials need to be properly stored to avoid cross-contamination. Why Should You Store Your Chemicals Properly? There are far more

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How To Properly Store Chemicals in a Lab
09.01.2022 | Sydney Cross

How To Properly Store Chemicals in a Lab

Chemical storage is an important aspect of laboratory function. Your chemical storage requirements will vary depending on what type of laboratory you are running and what types of research or experiments are being performed, but most branches of science do require chemicals of some kind in the lab. In order to have a good workflow

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Should Chemical Storage Cabinets Be Ventilated?
08.22.2022 | Sydney Cross

Should Chemical Storage Cabinets Be Ventilated?

When planning your lab’s chemical storage, you might think it’s a good idea to have sturdy, sealed cabinets. But the reality of chemical storage is that it is more complicated than you might think! While some chemicals benefit from storage with limited airflow, other chemicals do best in ventilated cabinets.  Why Choose Ventilated Storage Cabinets?

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what is gene editing
08.19.2022 | Sydney Cross

What Is Gene Editing?

Life, and by the extent of the genetics that control it, is an incredibly complex matter that scientists have worked to understand for centuries. As of recently, there has been incredible progress towards reaching this understanding, and we can not only understand how genetics function, but how to alter their functions as well. This revolutionary

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what is crispr
08.12.2022 | Sydney Cross


When you hear terms such as gene editing or CRISPR, the first thing that comes to mind is probably straight out of a sci-fi novel. However, gene technology, CRISPR for example, is very real, and at the forefront of modern medical science.  As with many new medical technologies, it may seem simple on the surface.

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what is dna sequencing
08.09.2022 | Sydney Cross

What Is DNA Sequencing?

DNA sequencing is the process of determining the sequence of nucleotide bases in a piece of DNA. While this may sound straightforward, DNA sequencing is a complex process with many steps and chemical processes. DNA sequencing is used in various research fields and industries. It also has a wide range of uses and applications. It

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pathology lab equipment
08.05.2022 | Sydney Cross

Pathology Lab Equipment

In the modern world, few places of scientific study are as essential as pathology labs. These institutions focus on studying, testing, and storing samples to determine whether or not certain diseases or mutations are present. Pathology is the intersection of medicine, chemistry, and science. In a pathology lab, researchers constantly handle extremely sensitive materials, many

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How to design a pathology lab
07.28.2022 | Sydney Cross

How To Design a Pathology Lab

At the intersection of science and medicine, there’s pathology. This is the study of diseases, and — for fairly obvious reasons — it’s a huge field right now. Pathology labs are growing at an unprecedented rate, and that means more people are asking about how to design a pathology lab. At OnePointe Solutions, we’ve worked

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how to design a molecular testing lab
07.22.2022 | Sydney Cross

How To Design a Molecular Testing Lab

Molecular testing labs are highly specialized spaces made to fit the needs of the discipline, which means that they must be built to certain specifications. In addition to plenty of atmospheric safeguards, molecular laboratories often house large, heavy equipment. All of these features must be considered when a builder is thinking about how to design

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