10.16.2019 | Sydney Cross

How to Successfully Manage a Research Lab

A lot goes on in a research lab every day. With the flurry of activity keeping lab staff consistently busy, maintaining order can be a big job. To do this, you must master some basic lab management tips. Once you learn these basics, the rest will come easily with time and practice. In this article,

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cannabis testing labs
10.16.2019 | Sydney Cross

Cannabis Lab Furniture and Design Solutions

Whether you’re a cultivator, distributor, or regulator, you know the key to success in the cannabis industry is reliable and efficient testing. At OnePointe Solutions, we’re experts at designing labs that cater to the specific needs of the commercial marijuana industry. We eliminate the middlemen and dealer markups by selling directly to lab practitioners while

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09.19.2019 | Sydney Cross

Newest Biotechnology Lab for Radio-Pharmaceuticals

RadioMedix, Inc. is a biotechnology company that focuses on innovative targeted radiopharmaceuticals for diagnosis, monitoring, and therapy of cancer. New within its industry, they needed a quick turnaround on laboratory furniture to begin their research. RadioMedix, Inc. came directly to us to coordinate their lab design project end to end. Our designers created a floor

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clinic labs
11.14.2018 | Sydney Cross

Medical Clinic Labs

The lab designers at OnePointe Solutions create and build ergonomic and cost-effective workbenches, tables, casework, and layouts for clinical and pharmacy spaces across the US. Call us if you need help designing and outfitting a clinic. Probably the only thing guaranteed in life is that things will go wrong. One of the biggest things to

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11.05.2018 | Sydney Cross

Austin Company Moves to Elgin to Expand

Full Article on austinbusinessjournal.com Office space in Austin has recently been vacated by a company taking its expansion plans 19 miles eastbound on U.S. Highway 290. OnePointe Solutions LLC was founded in Austin in 2007, but the company’s next growth spurt will occur at its relocated headquarters in nearby Elgin. The company makes tables and

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11.02.2018 | Sydney Cross

Company to Bring 50 Jobs to City

Full Article on elgincourier.com An Austin company wants to bring at least 50 new jobs to Elgin later this year. Elgin City Council approved an economic development agreement between the City of Elgin and OnePointe Solutions. The agreement was approved via a resolution at council’s meeting April 3. OnePointe Solutions makes specialized furniture for research

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testing lab
11.01.2018 | Sydney Cross

Is That Supposed to Be Smoking?

“Is that supposed to be smoking?” A phrase you don’t ever want to hear in a testing lab. Either you need to get a new partner, or there’s something seriously wrong with your equipment or school laboratory furniture. When you’re getting to the level of advanced solution combinations in a chemistry or university lab setting,

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